A few weeks ago I saw a request on Facebook for a birth photographer from my friends Steve + Ann. You can imagine my excitement when they chose me to be there for the journey!
This was my first time ever seeing a birth, at least one that I remember (may have been in a delivery room when I was younger) so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I did know that there was one thing I couldn’t do… faint! I think the little prayer I said to my brother on the way to the hospital helped because all I could think about during the delivery was, “what an unbelievable event I am witnessing”… Being there, with Steve + Ann as they welcomed new life into this world was like an outer body experience where the world froze and everything seemed to make so much sense!
Thank you Steve + Ann for having me share in this amazing experience with you. I will never forget it!
Baby Ayla was born on 8/2/13 at 8:02am, 8lbs. 4oz. and 22” long.

Special thanks to the staff at Metro Health Hospital and to Dr. Steven Lown who allowed me in the Operating Room and Nursery. A huge thanks to the Yarnal family for making me a part of such a special day.
Ms. Ayla – Grand Rapids Newborn Photographer » - […] her beauty behind the lens. They even let me be part of her birth story which can be seen here. Some of my favorites from the story below are of big brother Kiahn holding his kid sister… […]
Victoria Anne Hershman - You have an amazing talent!
Angela Steeb - Beautiful pictures! Great job capturing the experience!
Keena Owens - I love these pictures! They are beautiful!
Celeste Pretzel Ritsema - Nice! Love these!
Debra Kochanski- Steeb - What a beautiful gift for this family!
Leslie Anderson Welker - Sheena-These are beautiful. They made me cry! Reminded me of when my little girls were born.
Lisa Putvin Barnum - What a beautiful story and remembrance! Lots of love to you all!
Elisa N Isaac Aikey - These pictures are priceless. A moment in time frozen forever.