Bri Luginbill, my newest friend and local photographer here in Grand Rapids, started the Go Boldly, Love Your Body campaign to promote and document positive body messages. It’s a positive body movement for women, men and children who believe in and wish to practice the art of loving their bodies, just as they are. The campaign was started in response to several billboards in Grand Rapids with the slogan “Go Confidently”, advertising facelifts and tummy tucks at a local plastic surgery provider.
I was inspired by this grassroots movement, and reached out to Bri to see how I could help. She suggested photographing people for the campaign. I am so excited to embrace this opportunity of encouraging people to love their bodies. As a photographer I’m faced with balancing the fine line of capturing beautiful moments, while also appealing to my clients’ wish that I edit their photos to enhance their images or hide a feature they don’t like.
As a photographer, I have pushed myself to expand creatively into the areas of boudoir and birth photography, both of which are incredibly personal and intimate shoots. Some of my clients say they waited to have boudoir portraits taken until they lost ten more pounds, or share that they are concerned with how they will look during the birth of their child.
It is always so disheartening to hear people talk negatively about their body image, especially when I am about to capture them posing for boudoir pictures that are supposed to make them feel confident and sensual or during birth shoots that are supposed to document one of the most spectacular moments of their life.
I want my subjects to feel comfortable being in front on the camera, no matter what the occasion or state of their body. However, I catch myself repeating the same worries when I am in front of the camera too, rather than behind it. I am guilty of saying, “I am fat, my thighs are getting bigger, my arms flab around”…
Beginning this project has helped me realize that the things I say to myself are things I would hate to hear another woman express. I ask myself “would I say this about one of my client’s bodies, which I respect and find beautiful”? If not, then why would I continue to allow that kind of shameful talk for my own body?
By joining the Go Boldy, Love Your Body Campaign as a photographer, I am hoping to begin the process of creating a positive inner-dialogue within myself, an inner-dialogue that pays attention to and recognizes all of the ways I carry my beauty.
Bri photographed me to help spread her message. All the photos you see on the Go Boldly, Love Your Body website were taken of normal people who wanted to get involved and spread the love.

Join the Movement, Get Involved and Have Your Photograph Taken.
Ways you can get involved in Go Boldly
1) Visit our website: www.goboldlygr.com.
2) Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/475444875917252/
3) Subscribe to our e-newsletter: http://eepurl.com/S_S6P I will be sending out weekly emails of positivity to your inbox titled “A dose of positivity.” You’ll also be kept in the loop of new developments and Go Boldly events.
4) Tell your friends and family!
Photos courtesy of Bri Luginbill
Written by Sheena Vogel and Kendall Gilbert