3.2.14 Sneak Peek – Alice + Evelynn Two sisters and every goody imaginable from the Sweetie-licious Bake Shoppe… Filed in:LifestyleTagged in: Grand Rapids Child Photographer | Grand Rapids Lifestyle Photographer | Sheena Vogel Photography « Gwen + Brandon – Gand Rapids Engagement Photographer Meet William – Grand Rapids Newborn Photographer » + - 2 comments link to this post email a friend March 3, 2014 - 12:13 pm Angela Steeb - Supper cute! March 3, 2014 - 12:23 am Sheena Vogel - These little ladies put a huge smile on my face! Your email is never published or shared. Name Email Website Comment CAPTCHA Code *
Angela Steeb - Supper cute!
Sheena Vogel - These little ladies put a huge smile on my face!